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Different, But Not Different Enough

Different, But Not Different Enough. “Most of us have a very simple default frame: if it’s not remarkable or exceptional, ignore it. If someone tries to sell you something, decline.” – Seth Godin.

We all face an abundance of choices, every minute of every day. Whether it’s in the office or at home, services/products/people, all vying for our attention with an offering that simply doesn’t get the pulse racing.

It’s why we live most of our day on autopilot, filtering out most of the ads and pitches that come our way. Just imagine if we had to assess every single one! We’d be a nervous wreck and nothing would get done.

Whatever industry you’re in, whether financial, retail, real estate, fashion, automotive, anything, different stands out.

Different gets you noticed

Not different enough, though, is unconsciously what most business adopts. Not too far from what the competition has done. Other companies’ ideas. Someone else’s point of view.

Best practice, though, only brings commodity work. It brings incremental outcomes with everyone trying to outcompete everyone else. It also brings a race to the bottom on price because if your business makes undifferentiated products, or delivers an unremarkable service, that’s your last refuge.


That means creating the future, perhaps solving a problem that everyone thinks is unsolvable. 

If that’s a stretch right now, there’s still things that your company can do to stand out.

Start by changing the narrative

The problem with any commodity industry is that it attracts commodity suppliers. Suppliers that are themselves mediocre. Words for your website that are simply adjectives, sewn together and worn like a new suit. Stuffed full of SEO keywords. Words that fulfil your rationalised expectations, but never move the hearts and minds of those you seek to serve.

Images that could be found on any website and which bear little relevance to what it is that makes your brand unique.

Calls to action that rely on flashing animation to get attention. Content that fosters a ‘more is better’, instead of ‘less is more’ ideology.

The consequence of which is that your brand will be just another business, instead of the influential voice it could have been.

Your brand needs a refined and precise tone-of-voice.

It needs images so distinctive that your potential clients immediately recognise the brand, even without the name and logo. Think Andy Warhol, or Banksy. Art that needs no signature for it to be recognised.

It needs a message, visual, verbal or kinaesthetic, so strong that it could never have been shared by any of your competitors.

Different by way of “better customer service”, or by spending huge sums of money on “building brand awareness” is a default dead strategy. Neither will differentiate your business enough for it to dominate your sector.

The team at all have a crystal clear vision for your business.

For it to become a category leader. The first name anyone thinks of when they need opinion, information, transparency, leadership, relationships, influence, and trust.

Ok, let’s fix your problem
This is how to reach us: 
e:/ connect@remarkably-different

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